Phone Cord with Spline Wrap
Hair, MoGraph – by: base80
February 17th, 2007
Here is a method to make phone cords like this one.
Follow up:
Lets start with the cord.
It is a Circle and a Helix in a SweepNurb.
The Helix is set to make a 7200 degree rotation.
Now we want to make the cord follow a path.
Put the SweepNurb in a Null Object.
Now add a Spline Wrap deformer from the MoGraph menu in the same Null object.
And we need a spline as a path for the deformation.
Drag the Spline(path) into the Spline Wrap attributes
Voila! That does the trick.
The MoGraph Spline Wrap can do much more than this. It can deform any object on any spline and off course the spline can be of any shape.